Hello New Mum!
My name is Miriam Erick, a Registered Dietitian/ Nutritionist who served the high risk antenatal unit at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital for 37 years. Because of my tenure, I feel as if I already know you! During those many years, I cared for the sickest of the sick in this category . . . with that dreadful problem known as hyperemesis gravidarum.
I’m going to make this introduction as short and concise as possible because I suspect it is difficult for you to read much at this point. You’ve come to this page, likely battling some morning (noon and night time) sickness of pregnancy. I get it.
Every case of nausea and vomiting has its own difficulty and it is almost impossible to know when it will resolve. If I could whip out my magic wand and “cure” this problem, I’d be heading to Oslo for the Nobel Prize in Medicine! That is just how elusive treating severe morning sickness is.
And given what I have learned, I have taken the opportunity to put those lessons into publications to share with others — you’ll find them listed on the Resources page. My books and others of interest are also shown in the Bookstore. You can order the books I’ve written on the topic for yourself, your family AND for your providers, who may not be aware the resources exist.
The News page shows my blog posts in a number of categories: general info, recipes, publications and meetings, and my free “feel better” cards.
While not everything works in all cases, we provide lists of foods and the corresponding recipes to try. Yes, you have to eat. And yes, looking at lists of food is a trigger to increase nausea for some. A difficult challenge — just about as successful as driving your car with one foot on the gas and the other foot on the brake!
What you’ll find here on our website, are resources to help you … and others … understand just what you are experiencing. We will provide general pregnancy nutrition suggestions and tips to achieve them. We will also provide tools for you to monitor your weight status and we will provide encouragement. We know there are many days when a big dose of that is needed.
Again, I am NOT a medical doctor or an obstetrician so do not prescribe medications or treatment plans. You will need to be followed by your own private care provider during your pregnancy to ensure a healthy outcome. Be sure to call your local hospital to arrange care with a licensed provider. And always call 911 in an emergency.
Books and Resources
Read more details on the Resources page.

Managing Morning Sickness!
This book covers it all — from theories to food remedies that really work — written by a perinatal dietitian with years of experience caring for women with hyperemesis gravidarum.

Take Two Crackers and Call Me in the Morning!
This book depict the journey of three characters and their families through the misery-laden malady of pregnancy — nausea and vomiting. Also available as an eBook.

Coma dos galletas y me llama manana en la manana!
. . . the first morning sickness resource in Spanish!
Una guia real para sobrevivir los malestares del embarzo.
Go to the NEWS page to find our free downloadable “Morning Sickness Feel Better cards.” We searched just about all the on-line greeting card outlets and did not find one single card for your situation! Imagine . . . there are cards for stomach stapling but none for sick mothers! So, we figured it’s time to fill the void. What we hope will happen as a result of others downloading these cards, they will learn more about your problem and offer to assist you with household and personal care.