About Miriam

Miriam Erick is a licensed registered dietitian, researcher-author and nationally known perinatal morning sickness advocate. Her work in morning sickness and hyperemesis gravidarum (very severe morning sickness) spans 37 years in a major Boston medical institution.

Miriam is the author of 4 books on the topic of morning sickness. Her first book, No More Morning Sickness (1993), won the New England chapter of the American Medical Writers Association coveted Pyramid Award in 1994 as the best consumer health book.


The Award in Excellence 2012 by the Women’s Health Dietetic Practice Group of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recognizes Miriam for her contributions in maternal nutrition: by writing and updating for the second time the chapter on Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation in a major nutrition textbook, (“Krause”), for presentations, seminars and webinars for professional continuing education, as well as actively advocating for a special category (“Gestational Malnutrition”) of nutritional compromise which can exist with or be the result of pregnancy. Miriam suspected a case of vitamin K embryopathy in 2008, confirmed by a medical genetics specialist (Angela Linn, MD, MPH). Their case is included in an international collaborative paper on the topic of maternal vitamin K malnutrition.

Miriam was awarded the Ross Award in Women’s Health (1996) by Abbott Laboratories and the (then) American Dietetic Association (now The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) for her pioneering work in the area of morning sickness management and education.


Miriam holds a Master in Science degree from the University of Bridgeport, CT, and completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Connecticut.

Professional affiliations

Miriam is also an educational affiliate of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a certified diabetes educator, member of the Massachusetts Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and member of several specialty nutrition groups, including Women’s Health, Diabetes Care and Education, and Nutrition Entrepreneurs.

High risk obstetrical clients

Miriam also cares for other high risk obstetrical clients: those with bariatric surgery, multiple gestations, food allergies, pre-existing medical problems complicating pregnancy, high blood pressure, and insulin dependent as well as gestational diabetes.

Tribal remedies

Miriam has traveled to South Africa and Jamaica in pursuit of tribal remedies for morning sickness, collecting artifacts such as Holy Clay tablets used by sick women in Esquipulous Guatamala.

Dealing with Morning Sickness ... and more